Viewing entries tagged

What's Your Pie-Q?!


What's Your Pie-Q?!

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the term “IQ…” You know, the intelligence test everyone seems to use as a means of proving his or her level of “smart” in comparison to others. In fact... [Continue Reading]


Decision Making Video Blog


Decision Making Video Blog

We all make decisions. Some are important and life-changing, while others are seemingly insignificant. Regardless of it's weight, one decision can change a whole lot. This video guides you through the decision making process.


Picture This.


Picture This.

Myth: Athletes can benefit from Mental Imagery.
Fact: EVERYONE can benefit from Mental Imagery! Here's how...



Ego or Process, You Choose.


Ego or Process, You Choose.

We, as a society, are consumed by results. Did I win? What was the score? How much weight have I lost? Are we there yet? Having a destination is essential in productivity, but let’s not forget about the (sometimes long and winding) road between here and there. That’s right – the process! Learn about the importance of becoming processed-focused rather than results-driven.
