Viewing entries tagged
Sport Psychology

Consultant Spotlight: Tanner


Consultant Spotlight: Tanner

Tanner is our newest member to join our team at The Performance Pursuit. We wanted to give you all a sneak peek at what Tanner is all about and let him share his background and interests in sport psychology!


What's Your Pie-Q?!


What's Your Pie-Q?!

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the term “IQ…” You know, the intelligence test everyone seems to use as a means of proving his or her level of “smart” in comparison to others. In fact... [Continue Reading]


The Right Thing at The Right Time


The Right Thing at The Right Time

When you hear the word concentration, what do you think of? Maybe a goal keeper defending the net on the soccer field, Charlize Theron cracking the safe in The Italian Job, or a high-stakes Sudoku puzzle? It’s true; each of these situations require this challenging and valuable skill. But would it surprise.... [continue reading]


Decision Making Video Blog


Decision Making Video Blog

We all make decisions. Some are important and life-changing, while others are seemingly insignificant. Regardless of it's weight, one decision can change a whole lot. This video guides you through the decision making process.


Be the Driver of Your Motivation


Be the Driver of Your Motivation

It's easy to get motivated about the things that we truly love and enjoy. But what about those mundane day-to-day tasks that are hard to get excited about? Learn how to take control of your motivation. Hop in the driver's seat and make it happen.
