Meet our Latest performance partner: Movement Mechanics

Strengthening the mind is just as crucial as developing one’s physical strength, flexibility, fitness, and overall wellbeing when it comes to performing optimally. In order to ensure that our clients have access to quality strength and conditioning services, we at The Performance Pursuit are very excited to introduce one of our newest partners: Movement Mechanics.

With both organizations passionate about assisting athletes fulfill their potential both in and outside of athletics, The Performance Pursuit and Movement Mechanics have come together to offer the only comprehensive athletic development program available to developing athletes in Trinidad and Tobago. Big thanks to Gregory Seale and the rest of the Movement Mechanics team for sharing our vision and joining on us on this exciting journey. We are looking forward to filling a gap within a nation that has so much athletic potential.

Despite being one of the busiest trainers, we were able to sit down with Gregory and ask him a few questions so that our readers could learn more about Movement Mechanics and Gregory.

So Gregory ...…

Why Movement Mechanics?

“The pursuit for excellence is an ongoing challenge. It’s a physical and mental undertaking that does not promise success on the field but we must keep pushing to make us all better people. We do this job because we love it. To see athletes of all ages improve, to see the smile on their faces when they accomplish a difficult task, to see the future unfold right in front of us is a joy. As coaches we have the power to make a difference. That’s exactly what we do, make a difference.”

Who do you mostly work with?

“It’s really a split. We work with all populations - The elderly, the injured, post-rehabilitation, the fitness enthusiast and also the athletes (professional, youth, teams etc.) Lately however, there has been an increase in the youth athlete population.”

What makes Movement Mechanics different to other places?

“Maybe that’s a question for some clients (smile). One thing’s for certain I have a great team of qualified professionals that are passionate about what they do. We are constantly looking for ways to improve what we deliver to each and every person that comes through the door. From the therapy room straight to the training room it’s a constant team effort to deliver the best and to maintain a happy environment.”

Where do you see Movement Mechanics 10 years from now?

“I see Movement Mechanics as the go-to resource for sport performance and rehabilitation in the Caribbean region. 10 years from now we would have added 10 more years of life to the elderly we work with, supported even more medal winners at the Carifta games, scholarship bound athletes, Olympic medalists, educated thousands of coaches, and improved the lives of many people.”

What excites you most about partnering with The Performance Pursuit?

“When Kai contacted me about the idea of partnering it was really a no brainer. I was following the work he was doing and I guess he was looking at me too! There is a definite need for mental preparation around competition, training, and life in general. What’s exciting is, The Performance Pursuit came in at the right time and filled a much-needed gap. I’m thrilled to see what’s going to unfold.”
